March 2020
What will 2020 look like?
We believe the Lord is saying in this season that He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. My soul is my mind (what I think), my will (what I want/desire) and my emotions (what I feel). In restoring our souls, the Good Shepherd restores our thinking and our knowing when we spend time with Him. We begin to understand things in a new way, His way. The Word that was once no more than words on a page begins to have meaning. We begin to hear and understand and know the voice of our Shepherd. We hear His call, and we respond, following His leading, even if it takes us through the valley of the shadow of death.
It was an interesting start to the new year as we were asked to speak on "Suffering Well". Pastors Josiah and Marlaina Centeno assembled a group of people from New Jersey and Pennsylvania with prophetic purpose. We were in awe how the Lord ministered to areas of brokenness and hurt. He is our Healer.
Transforming Your Business
We are extremely excited to have been accepted by Chester and Betsy Kylstra to attend the Transforming Your Business Leader Training Workshop this month! As RTF (Restoring The Foundations) has brought transformation to individuals, we believe this is another power tool to transform businesses, organizations and churches.
As the coronavirus spreads around the world, we are wondering how it will impact the global gathering scheduled for July at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo. A senior International Olympic Committee member said recently that if it proves too dangerous to hold the Olympics, organizers are more likely to cancel it altogether than to postpone or move it. Until we hear otherwise, we are still preparing to go. With 11,091 athletes representing 206 nations expected to compete, it is an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel. If you would like to sow into this missions trip, please visit our website.
Upcoming Events!
We will be the speakers at the Advance School of Missions Retreat in Brogue, Pa in April.
Thank you for your prayers and support! We need prayer for:
1 Coronavirus would be eradicated and not interfere with the 2020 Olympics.
2. Open hearts to receive the Gospel in Japan.
3. Monthly partners and intercessors.
Will you join us as lives are transformed? To donate please go to
Grow in Faith Ministries, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization and your contribution is tax deductible as allowed by law.
        Mike & Lisa Neifert
Grow in Faith Ministries, Inc./ 2231 Decatur Road, Wilmington, DE 19810 / Phone: (302) 475-7190 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.